Through my Youtube channel and my Skillshare language course, I help people reach for their dream life.
So how can I help you?
Have you ever wanted to learn a new language?
I went to university to study Languages and Linguistics and in school, I started teaching language students and never stopped.
Today, I’ve taught people of all ages, from grade school to seniors, how to speak and understand another language for almost a decade.
Eventually, all of this work led to creating my own language teaching method, and my popular Skillshare course.
And in my free time?
I’m probably at hot yoga, pilates, a spa, creating content for my content agency, eating fresh fruit, drinking tea or reading.
I love to learn and to take care of my physical body as well as my mind. Travel is one of my favourite things to do too.
Learning and growing are my lifestyle! What can I say?
Enough about me though - who are you?
Send me an email at
I’d love to know!
Whether your dream is to be a flight attendant or learn a new language, my hope is to be able to help you broaden your horizons.
Only you are the authority on what’s possible for you.
However, my goal is to help you see that more is always possible in life.
I live my life pushing myself to the limit of what I think is possible and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Dreams are supposed to come true.